Cool News Day: Indie Bound, IBNYC, and the Brooklyn Book Festival!

Dude, it's a fun day in link land. The IndieBound project has launched its social networking arm: the IndieBound Community . The beta tests were successful , and now anyone can sign up to become part of the community. Not only can you connect with other book lovers, you can also become a "fan" of your local indie stores (book and other), and start conversations around them. I'm on already as booknerdnyc, just like I am on Shelfari, LibraryThing, GoodReads, and LinkedIn -- so friend me already! Luckily, most of my "virtual friends" are also real-life friends/colleagues, so I don't feel like I have multiple social/professional lives to keep track of. And this one is especially cool as it lets me add stores to my network -- I'm excited about the possibilities, and I'll be reaching out to others to join up. And I can't wait until my own bookstore is one of those options! Speaking of indie bookstore communities, the Independent Booksellers...