Link-Mad Monday: Verrry eenterrresteeng...
Sorry, I'm already getting in the Halloween mood, so that was my Transylvanian impression. Today is full of interesting links, though. - - - After L.A., BEA is gonna change. The Publishers Weekly article here catalogs some of the discontent and/or desire for progress. And show director (and stellar human being) Lance Fensterman talks about being on the inside of those changes here . I love how he describes meeting with disgruntled publishers: "The conversations have been frank, straightforward conversations - the kind you have with your parents when you are 17, came in an hour after curfew and clearly have vomit on your shoe." Personally, I'm looking forward to the revamped education roster. It's always interesting to see what happens when a longstanding institution gets re-imagined from top to bottom. - - - Other changes: some publishers are giving away books for free. Michael at Books On The Nightstand talks about Concord Free Press's intriguing book...