"To me, books are..."

Just one more day, o faithful readers, and I'll be back in action! I finally lugged my lemon of an Apple to the Mac store, and of course the kind folks replaced it immediately -- I've just got to wait until tomorrow for them to transfer all my files, and then I'll be in business at home.

There is literally no time to blog (or at least to do links) here at the store, unfortunately, which sucks because there are LOTS of exciting things to link to and talk about. I'll be back ASAP, I promise!

In the meantime, here's your reader question, which will make more sense when I give you the link madness soon. Complete this sentence: "To me, books are..."

Looking forward to reading your answers!


Anonymous said…
... necessary!

Dan Wickett
CRwM said…
Gathering in piles and stacks that threaten to push me out of my home.
Anonymous said…
As necessary to my life as breathing...

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