Link-Mad Monday: Flying Links

Off to a NAIBA meeting this morning, so may I just quickly direct your attention to:

- BTW's listings of the schedule for ALL regional fall shows (including what I like to call NAIBA-Con, the show we'll be planning today). Find out when your region is meeting and get involved!

- the Litblog Co-Op, which will be announcing the Spring 2007 Read This! title sometime today! We'll be discussing all three titles over the next several weeks -- stay tuned.

- this piece in the Guardian (thanks to my London operative Sue Harris for the link) about a NEW indie bookstore making good in the land of and Waterstones. If they can do it...

Man, the circus was a treat! Did you think of good literary circus references over the weekend? Thanks to David for reminding me of Lemony Snicket's CARNIVOROUS CARNIVAL -- I didn't see the Baudelaire's at Madision Square Garden, though. I realized recent Booksense bestseller WATER FOR ELEPHANTS would certainly fit. Would love to hear more if you've got 'em. Happy Monday!


Andy Laties said…
The booksellers referenced in the Guardian article run an interesting blog to which I sometimes contribute:
bhadd said…
Bruce Springsteen's "Wild Billy's Circus Story"! Larry McMurtry has one but I can not recall!

The Hood Company
Anonymous said…
One of my favorite novels is Brooks Stevens' THE CIRCUS OF THE EARTH AND THE AIR. I'm pretty sure it's out of print now, but it's worth tracking down!
Anonymous said…
"Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn is a great one!


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