Monday, Link-Mad Monday

Oh right -- blogging day. Where was I again?

Folks, BEA is less than four weeks away -- do you know where your parties are?? I can tell you definitively about two: Emerging Leaders of Bookselling is planning a killer shindig from 7 to 9 on Wednesday May 30, and the Litblog Co-Op will work their usual magic on Thursday night. Stay tuned (or email me) for further details. And you can make your BEA plans and schedules at the BEA site, and the ABA site (check out the Brooklyn walking tours on Wednesday). Seriously, I expect to see you all there!

BTW reports that two lucky young booksellers will be going to BEA for free, thanks to the ABA's "twice as nice" Emerging Leaders Scholarships: Mark Bradshaw of Watermark Books & Cafe in Wichita, Kansas, and Angela K. Sherrill of 57th Street Books, a branch of the Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Chicago. Major congrats, guys -- hope to meet you here in Brooklyn!

And for all of you Emerging types thinking about opening a bookstore someday -- the Prospective Booksellers School still has openings. Come a day early for the show and you can get the benefit of Donna Paz' and co.'s years of experience to give you confidence for your future venture. Definitely worth the price of admission.

What else... my graphic design oriented coworker Adjua directed me to this great blog, The Book Design Review, about book cover design -- something we obsess about at the bookstore, and fascinating for arts, literature, and culture junkies alike.

In local news, don't read this article from the Village Voice if you don't want to get depressed about the loss of some more Brooklyn history. Even accounting for the Voice's typical anti-establishment tone, things look grim for Coney Island. I could be wrong, but I think we'd better get out there and have our seedy boardwalk fun while we still can.

Then, to cheer yourself up, head over to the LBC and check out last week's great interactions with Cottagers author Marshal Klimasewiski, including his discussion of interstitial fiction. This week heats up with the actual winner of the Spring READ THIS!, Alan DeNiro and Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead.

Enjoy the book talk -- I'm off with miles to go before I... go to work. Happy reading!


Michelle said…
Thanks for posting the link to the Book Design Review. Are all independent booksellers obsessed with book design? Today on our blog (Inkwell Bookstore) we posted a link to Book By Its Cover, a blog by a designer right in your stomping ground - Brooklyn!

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