A Book Nerd BEA in pictures

You'll get the narrative rundown later, along with all the valuable things I learned and people I met, but everyone knows the pictures are the fun part, right?

I feel the story of my BEA will be clear from these photos: i.e., I burned out early. Stressing out over the EL party on Wednesday, the LBC party on Thursday, and my panel on Saturday meant that I was not at my best for the rest of the festivities. But "oh, my foes, and oh my friends," as notorious party girl Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote -- it was worth it.

Here's an overhead shot of the scene at Floyd, the Brooklyn bar chosen to hold a roomful of young booksellers from all over the country for the First Annual EL-BEA.
My coworker Katie chats with EL Council Member Sylla on Floyd's comfy couches.

From left to right, Amanda of Harvard Square, Tom of McNally Robinson AND A Public Space, and Megan of Harvard Square (who has the distinction of being the only OTHER person to have both an EL button and an LBC button to her name...)
Here the ABA's own Lisa Winn (our EL Liaison) gets into the bocce game, with Kari Patch of Harvard Square looking on.
Here my co-conspirator bookseller Amanda Lydon, BTW reporter Karen Schechner, Tattered Cover's Neil, and BEA director Lance Fensterman confab on the couches.
Here we have the ever-youthful John Mutter of Shelf Awareness and Susan Weiss of breathe books in Baltimore, classing up the party.

Here we find the inimitable Lance Fensterman in a rare moment of leisure.

And my favorite -- Book Nerd and Mr. BEA, totally geekin' out at the greatness of it all.
Here we graciously draw the curtain over EL-BEA (though I may have other, more incriminating photos if anyone's interested...)

On to Thursday night. Here's the prettiest crowd shot from Kettle of Fish, where members of the Litblog Co-Op and a couple hundred of their closest friends gathered to hobnob with their fellow book folks.

Here's the smoking lounge outside -- there's Megan again, Richard Nash from Soft Skull Press, Jill from Powell's (thanks Dave!), and a flash of red hair that is Carolyn of Pinky's Paperhaus.

I'm out of time and I have to run to work, so I'll have to post the rest tomorrow and Friday. Have fun -- let me know if there are other places I should look for great BEA pictures...


zan said…
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zan said…
Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to any of the great parties, but I did happen to wander into the Perseus booth in time to capture ...

I also made it to your Graphic Novels 360 panel, but had to leave before I was able to say hello. It was great to see that you're as eloquent in person as you are on here!
zan said…
Blogger is not happy with my tagging skills. The link to the photo should be on the words "this debauchery"...
christin said…

Thank you so much for all of your hard work organizing EL and LBC parties! I had no idea you were pushing yourself so hard and made yourself sick in the process!!!

I'm happy to co-conspire and help out next year in L.A. if you want... just let me know!

Although we missed the EL party, the LBC get-together was our highlight of the 5 days in NY!

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