A Sabbatical, Of Sorts

As some of you have pointed out, I tend to take on a lot of projects. And what with NAIBA and various shift switches, I haven't had a full day off from the bookstore in nearly three weeks.

Earlier this week it got to that critical mass of tiredness -- panicky tired, teary tired, veering between lashing out and zoning out tired.

As I'm about to jump in to another, perhaps more intense work time in my life, I feel that now is the time to get a little rest and get ready.

So, until sometime in early November, I'm letting some things slide a little and doing like other professional readers (i.e. academics) do: giving myself a sabbatical. No blogging, only emergency emails (so forgive me if I owe you a reply). Lots of sleeping in, lots of long meals with the ALP, lots of reading for pleasure. It's only for a week or two , but I think it will help.

Right now, I'm going to run a bath, pour a glass of red wine, and find my place in Night Train to Lisbon. I'll see you on the other side.


Anonymous said…
Come back soon, Jessica!
Anonymous said…
rest while you still can. Happy Halloween!
Larry Portzline said…
A place I'm very familiar with. Take your time. Don't rush back here on anyone's account. Balance is everything. Be well, kiddo.
Anonymous said…
Amen. I find that lying on sidewalks helps. Have fun.

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