Best-Loved Books of 2008, #8: Favorite Novel in Stories

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The Size of the World by Joan Silber (W. W. Norton)
(Bonus: most under-rated writer in America!)

I'll say it again: Joan Silber is one of our truly great writers, and deserves wider recognition. I fell in love with her work in Ideas of Heaven (which was shortlisted for the National Book Award), and her new work takes the novel-in-short-stories to yet another level. The Size of the World is a masterpiece both epic and intimate, quietly straightforward and ambitiously interconnected. Her characters are heartbreakingly human, and her sentences will floor you. This is a great book to read on a trip, or while contemplating the vastness of it all right at home.

And check out my lengthier rave about the book from earlier this year. This is one of my must-reads: highly recommended for any reader. And as yet another bonus, Joan is a local author and shops at McNally Jackson; it's always a thrill to see one's heroes in the flesh (and shopping indie to boot).


Blogger said…
I'm halfway through IDEAS OF HEAVEN and totally, totally agree with you! -- dan
Melissa said…
I love how her novels are told in a series of short stories. Very touching, romantic, mysterious. I finished it the other day, and I am all ready digging into another romance by Patrick Davis titled, "The Silent Note". Now all I need are some warm chocolate chip cookies, and I could literally stay in bed reading all day.

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