Hi all,

As you may have noticed, it's Book Expo America time. This year is a very working (vs. partying) oriented BEA for me, which is all good but very intense.

It's also a very intense time with Greenlight Bookstore stuff, so what with the one and the other, I haven't even found time to blog my plans.

BUT! I have finally figured out how to Twitter from my phone, so I'll be posting occasional updates on the #BEA2009 hashtag as @booknerdnyc. Lots of other cool folks Twittering too, so hopefully those updates will suffice until we have time for something more substantial.

More soon, I promise!


michaelsean said…
Have you felt any pressure from the publishing side to review ARC's or books in general? Do you feel like there is an obligation to favor books sent free-of-charge?
Frank Marcopolos said…
Cool. I've heard partying is wayyyy down this year. Probably a good idea considering the economy.

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