Hanami in Brooklyn

After the chaos of selling books at the PEN Festival (a week of 12-hour days organizing, hefting boxes of books, ringing in hundreds of sales by hand, and processing returns), I'm finally getting my wish:

A day with no obligations.

If the weather holds, here's where I'm going this afternoon.


P. J. Grath said…
Slow down and smell the blossoms!!!
Bill andrews said…
Jessica, hello.
I have always wanted to visit the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and now thanks to you- the full service bookseller- a full riot of blooming glory has come my way.
Hopefully today you indeed had a chance to experience it first hand.
Of course my real visit to Brooklyn will await the opening of the Greenlight Bookstore, right?
I also now have another book on my pile - Clous Atlas. Our friend Rebecca long ago planted the seed with me for Black Swan Green and I read it and adored it not too long ago.
All best of luck with the bookstore and greetings from a "fan" in Maine--
Bill Andrews
Anonymous said…
This video is beautiful. And I really dug the soundtack. Thanks for sharing. I do hope you made it to the park. I was in CP while the magnolias were blossoming. It was gorgeous.

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